Monday, April 21, 2008

Blogging while on hold

What is the perfect thing to do while waiting on hold... blogging!

This weekend was wonderful. I spent three wonderful days in Friday Harbor with Joel celebrating our one-year of dating. Joel even treated us to hour-side-by-side massages. It was bliss. Even though the weather was cloudy and a bit rainy, it was a lot of fun to walk around, shop, explore, and eat. Except for the headache on the ferry ride back to Anacortes, the whole weekend was wonderful.

I leave for North Carolina this Sunday. I have a lot of reading to do in preparation for the three days of meetings. It doesn't sound like that long, but really, it is. I have to know 10 companies finances, budgets, marketing plan, and business plans inside and out, complete with areas of concern or necessary improvements. It is pretty overwhelming. Oh well. Just another challenge waiting to be overcome.

I have decided that I don't hate flying as much as I used to think I did. I still hate going through security (what is grosser than having to take your shoes off in public with a bunch of other shoeless people?), I still hate long flights (tall person + little airplane seats = grumpy Jess), but really it isn't that bad. I could be taking Grey Hound to North Carolina. Now that would be a lot longer trip, with a lot stranger people, and a whole lot worse overall. In the last nine months I have been to Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, California, Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Virgina, and New York. I feel like I live out of a suit case.

The other day Joel and I were having dinner with friends in Seattle, and they started to ask when the wedding was going to be. I just jokingly said, "I don't want to married until I am thirty". It annoys me when Joel and I get questions like that. I know they are just asking, joking, acknowledging our commitment to each other... what ever they may be doing. It seems to be an invasive question to ask. What if Joel and I didn't agree on that subject, or if we had never discussed it? What if that question caused arguments between us? Personally, unless I bring it up, I don't want to talk about.

I had the chance to ask a psychic a question not to long ago, and a friend was surprised I didn't ask if Joel was my soul mate. I felt that if you need to ask, you already know the answer. And besides, even if Joel is not my soul mate or if we don't end up marrying, I want to enjoy our relationship for what it is right now. I don't want to be thinking our future too hard. I don't want to be putting time frames, or time limits on what we have. I want to continue to have fun, to love him, to enjoy him, to grow with him, to explore this earth with him, to just be with him. What will happen in the future will happen, but now, I want to enjoy what is right now.

1 comment:

  1. I like that post. It seems like the right way to approach life.
